Privacy Policy Last updated: 24/02/2024

We, "Us," or "Our" are dedicated to protecting your Personal Data and ensuring your privacy.

This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about how We manage, collect, store, and use the information you provide in connection with the website (the “Website”).

We adhere to the following principles:

• To maintain transparency regarding the collection and processing of your Personal Data:

We prioritize keeping you fully informed, enabling you to make educated decisions about the use of your Personal Data on our Website or when engaging with a third-party trading platform. To achieve this, we use various strategies and methods to provide you with relevant information on how your Personal Data is processed, ensuring that this information is presented accurately and promptly.

Additionally, if We determine that you need to be provided with specific information, We will deliver it to you at the appropriate time and place.

We are also available to answer any questions you may have and to provide any clarification you need, within legal limitations. For this purpose, you can contact Us by sending an email to the following address: support@

• To process your Personal Data solely for the purposes outlined in this Policy:

The purposes for which We may process your Personal Data include, among other things, to make the Website available to you andprovide you with a connection to third-party trading platforms (the “Services”), enhancing your experience on the Website, improving the Services (including the Website), safeguarding Our rights and interests, and performing business and administrative activities that support the provision of the Services to the Website users, and/or upholding any legal and/or regulatory requirements.

Additionally, We will process your Personal Data to better understand your personal needs and preferences.

• Investing significant resources to respect your rights concerning your Personal Data:

We dedicate substantial resources to enable you to exercise your rights as a data subject. You may contact Us anytime to review your Personal Data, request amendments, deletion, cessation of its use for specific purposes or in general, or transfer it to yourself or a third party. We will comply with your requests in accordance with the law.

•Securing your Personal Data:

While We cannot guarantee absolute protection of your Personal Data, We assure you that We employ and will continue to employ a broad range of means and measures aimed at ensuring your Personal Data is secured.

Our Complete Privacy Policy

1. The Scope?

This Policy outlines the types of Personal Data the Company collects about natural persons, and how it collects, uses, shares with third parties, secures, and processes this data.

In this Policy, “Personal Data” refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or in combination with additional information that We possess or have access to.

In this Policy, the “processing” of Personal Data refers to any operation or set of operations performed on Personal Data, including the collection, recording, organization, structuring,storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction of Personal Data.

Our Services are designed for a general audience and are not intended for children under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect or solicit information from anyone under 18 or knowingly permit such individuals to access our Services. If we discover that we have collected information from a child, we will take reasonable measures to delete that information promptly.

2. When Do We Collect Personal Data About You?

We gather Personal Data about you whenever you use the Services, engage with the service channels, or visit the Website. Sometimes, you will actively provide us with Personal Data, while other times, we collect data by analyzing your usage of Our Services and/or service channels, or by receiving your data from our third-party partners.

3. No Obligation To Provide Personal Data To Ascend Wealth AI And Its Implications

You are not required to provide us with any Personal Data about yourself. However, in certain cases, not providing such Personal Data may prevent us from offering you the Services, restrict your use of the Website, and/or cause malfunctions in the Services and the Website.

4. What Types of Personal Data Do We Collect? Personal Data We Collect When You Browse the Website:

This information includes your online activity log, traffic information (including, without limitation, IP address, access time, access date, web and mobile pages visited, language used, software crash reports, and type of browser used, and information regarding the device you used). Some of this information may not identify you personally, and therefore may not constitute Personal Data.

Personal Data We Receive From You: Any Personal Data you voluntarily provide to us when interacting with a third-party trading platform through Ascend Wealth AI.

Personal Data You specifically provide for submission to third-party platforms to facilitate trading: This includes your full name, phone number, and email address.

5. Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

Ascend Wealth AI processes your Personal Data for various purposes as detailed in this section, ensuring compliance with the relevant legal bases.

We will only process your Personal Data when there is a legitimate legal basis for such actions. The legal grounds on which Ascend Wealth AI may process your Personal Data include:

  • Your consent for processing your Personal Data for specific purposes. This applies when you provide your details through the Website for submission to a third-party trading platform.
  • Processing is necessary to serve the legitimate interests pursued by Ascend Wealth AI or a third party. For instance, enhancing Our Services or defending legal claims.
  • Processing is required to comply with a legal obligation that Ascend Wealth AI is subject to.

If you need further information on how the processing of your Personal Data aligns with the legitimate interests of our Company or an external party, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at any time.

Below, we provide an overview of the reasons for processing your Personal Data and the legal justifications for these actions:

Purpose Legal Basis

To submit your details to third parties upon your request for engaging in digital and trading activities.

We may collect your Personal Data to share it with third parties if you specifically ask us to do so.

You have given consent for the processing of your Personal Data for one or more specified purposes.

To address your queries, requests, and/or complaints

We need to process your Personal Data to respond to any questions or issues you have regarding your use of our Services.

Processing is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of the Company or a third party.

To comply with any legal requirements or court orders

We handle your Personal Data to fulfill our diverse legal obligations.

Processing is essential for adhering to a legal requirement that the Company must follow.

To enhance Our Services

We may utilize your Personal Data to refine and improve our Services. This includes processing crash logs and malfunction reports related to our Services.

Processing is vital for the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

To prevent fraud and misuse of Our Services

Processing is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

To conduct and sustain various activities that support the provision of Our Services

Such activities encompass back-office operations, business development initiatives, strategic planning, supervisory mechanisms, and more.

Processing is essential for the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

To conduct comprehensive analysis, including statistical evaluations

We employ a variety of analytical tools (including statistical ones) to make informed decisions on diverse matters.

Processing is essential for the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

To safeguard Our and third parties' interests, rights, and assets, including initiating, exercising, or defending legal claims

We may process your Personal Data to protect Our interests, rights, and assets, or those of third parties, in accordance with any law, regulation, or agreement, including any of Our terms and conditions and policies.

Processing is essential for the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

6. Transfer Of Personal Data To Third Parties

Ascend Wealth AI may also share your Personal Data with third-party service providers that assist us, including storage and hosting services, IP address data, user experience analysis, and various analytical, technical, and diagnostic services.

Furthermore, you might specifically request that we share certain Personal Data with third-party trading platforms. In these instances, we will transmit the Personal Data you provide to these third parties, and their usage of your Personal Data will be governed by their respective privacy policies. Ascend Wealth AI may share your Personal Data with multiple third-party trading platforms.

Ascend Wealth AI may also share your Personal Data with affiliated entities and business partners who provide resources that enhance and improve the quality of our services and products offered to users.

Ascend Wealth AI may disclose your Personal Data to governmental, local, official, and regulatory authorities if such disclosure is necessary to protect our and third parties' interests, rights, and assets, including for the initiation, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Additionally, we may disclose your Personal Data to potential purchasers, investors, or lenders of Ascend Wealth AI and/or any company within our group, or in the event of similar transactions (including the sale of assets), and/or in connection with any merger, reorganization, consolidation, or bankruptcy of Ascend Wealth AI and/or any company within our group.

7. Cookies and Third-Party Services

We may utilize certain third-party services, such as analytics companies or advertising providers on our Website, which may also use cookies or other technologies. These practices and providers are subject to their own policies.

A cookie (a small text file) may be installed on your device when you visit or access our Website. These cookies help collect information about you and your behavior toenhance your user experience, remember your preferences and settings, and tailor products and services to your interests. Cookies may also be employed to gather statistics and conduct analytics.

We may use session cookies, which are temporarily downloaded to your device and last until you close your web browser. Additionally, we use persistent cookies, which remain on your device after you stop browsing the Website, aiding the Website in recognizing you as a returning visitor.

Types of cookies:

The cookies we utilize are categorized based on their functionality, as follows:

Type of Cookie Purpose Additional Information
Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are crucial for enabling you to navigate the Website and use the features you have requested. They facilitate the provision of our content, products, and services that you have requested.

These essential cookies help your device download or stream information, allowing you to navigate the Website, utilize its features, and revisit pages you have previously accessed.

These cookies collect personal data about you, such as your username and last login date, and recognize you as being logged into the Website.

These cookies are removed once you close your web browser (session cookies).

Functionality Cookies These cookies recognize you when you revisit the Website and enable Us to remember your choices and preferences. These cookies persist even after you close your web browser, remaining active until their set expiration date.
Performance Cookies These cookies provide aggregated statistics on the Website's performance, helping us to test and enhance it for a superior user experience. They also support our analytical functions on the Website.

These cookies gather anonymized data that does not link to any identifiable natural person.

The lifespan of these cookies varies; some are deleted upon closing your browser, while others remain indefinitely.

Blocking and Deleting Cookies

You can modify your browser settings to block or remove some or all cookies. Refer to the following links for instructions on how to do this in some of the most popular web browsers:

  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

Please be aware, however, that doing so may cause some or all of the Website's features and functionalities to not operate as intended.



8. Retention Of Personal Data About You

Ascend Wealth AI will retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was processed, or for a longer period as required by applicable laws, regulations, policies, and orders.

We will share your information with third-party trading platforms for a 12-month period, and with your consent, we will extend this for an additional 12 months.

To ensure your Personal Data is not retained longer than necessary, we periodically review the data we hold to determine if any can be safely erased.

9. Transfers of Personal Data To A Third Country Or An International Organization

Your Personal Data may be transferred to another country or to international organizations. In such cases, Ascend Wealth AI will implement appropriate safeguards to ensure the protection of your data and guarantee that enforceable rights and effective legal remedies are available to you.

If you are a resident of the EEA (European Economic Area), please note that these safeguards and protections will be in place if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The transfer is to a third country or an international organization that the EU Commission has determined offers an adequate level of protection for the Personal Data transferred, in accordance with Article 45(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (the "GDPR").
  • The transfer is based on a legally binding and enforceable agreement between public authorities or bodies as specified under Article 46(2)(a) of the GDPR; or
  • The transfer adheres to standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission in line with Article 46(2)(c) of the GDPR. These clauses can be accessed at

You may request that Ascend Wealth AI provide you with details regarding the safeguards it employs to protect the Personal Data about you that is transferred to a third country or an international organization by sending an email to the following address: support@

10. Protection Of Personal Data About You

We implement robust technical and organizational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security for Personal Data, taking into consideration the risks presented by processing, particularly from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to Personal Data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed.

While we strive for error-free performance regarding the privacy of your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee it. Ascend Wealth AI will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages related to the use or release of Personal Data about you, including, but not limited to, disclosure of Personal Data due to transmission errors, unauthorized third-party access, or other causes beyond our reasonable control.

Due to legal or other obligations beyond our control, we may be required to transfer Personal Data about you to third parties,such as public authorities. In such cases, our ability to influence the level of protection for your Personal Data by these third parties is limited.

Transmitting Personal Data over the internet involves inherent risks, and we cannot fully guarantee its security during transfer to Ascend Wealth AI.

11. Links To Websites of Third Parties

Our Website may contain links to third-party websites and applications. Ascend Wealth AI does not govern these websites and applications, nor their data collection and processing practices. We are not liable for their content, privacy, or data protection practices. This Policy does not cover any actions conducted via such websites and applications.

We strongly recommend that you thoroughly review the privacy policies of these third-party websites and applications before using them and sharing any Personal Data.

13. Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

In general, you have the right to request confirmation on whether we are collecting your Personal Data, review it, rectify inaccuracies, and request its deletion if it is no longer needed by us. You may also limit your consent to specific types of data processing.

If you are an EEA resident, please read this section:

You have the following rights concerning your Personal Data. To exercise these rights, please send a request to the following email address:

Right of access

You have the right to obtain confirmation from Ascend Wealth AI about whether your Personal Data is being processed and, if so, gain access to that data and the following information:information: (1) the objectives behind the processing; (2) the types of Personal Data involved; (3) the recipients or categories of recipients who have received or will receive the Personal Data, particularly those in third countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or international organizations; (4) if possible, the anticipated duration for which the Personal Data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that duration; (5) the right to request from Ascend Wealth AI the correction or deletion of Personal Data, or the restriction of processing of your Personal Data, or to object to such processing; (6) the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority; (7) if the Personal Data is not collected from you, any available information about its source; (8) the existence of profiling; and (9) if Personal Data is transferred to a third country outside the EEA or to an international organization, the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.

Ascend Wealth AI shall provide a copy of the Personal Data undergoing processing and may charge a reasonable fee for any additional copies requested by you. If you make the request electronically, and unless otherwise requested by you, the information shall be provided in a commonly used electronic format.

The right to obtain a copy of the Personal Data shall not adversely impact the rights and freedoms of others. Therefore, if the request affects the rights and freedoms of others, Ascend Wealth AI may not fulfill your request or may do so in a limited manner.

Right to rectification

You have the right to request from Ascend Wealth AI the correction of any inaccurate Personal Data about you. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you have the right for any incomplete Personal Data about you to be completed, including by providing a supplementary statement.

Right to erasure

The following grounds apply: (a) the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed; (b) you withdraw your consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing; (c) you object at any time, on grounds related to your particular situation, to the processing of Personal Data about you that is based on the legitimate interests pursued by Ascend Wealth AI or by a third party, and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing; (d) you object to the processing of Personal Data about you for direct marketing purposes; (e) thePersonal Data has been unlawfully processed; or (f) the Personal Data concerning you must be erased to comply with a legal obligation under European Union or Member State law that applies to the Company.

This right does not apply to the extent that the processing is necessary (a) to comply with a legal obligation that mandates processing by European Union or Member State law applicable to the Company; or (b) for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Right of restriction of processing

You have the right to request from the Company the restriction of processing of your Personal Data if one of the following conditions is met: (a) the accuracy of the Personal Data is disputed by you, for a period enabling the Company to verify the accuracy of the Personal Data concerning you; (b) the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your Personal Data and instead request the restriction of its use; (c) the Company no longer requires your Personal Data for processing purposes, but it is needed by you for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; (d) if the processing of your Personal Data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party, unless we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; or (e) if your Personal Data is processed for direct marketing purposes, including profiling, to the extent it relates to such direct marketing.

If the processing of your Personal Data has been restricted following your request, such Personal Data shall, with the exception of storage, only be processed with your consent or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person, or for reasons of significant public interest of the European Union or a Member State.

Right to Data Portability

You possess the right to obtain your Personal Data, which you've provided to the Company, in a structured, widely used, and machine-readable format. You also have the right to transfer that data to another entity if the processing is based on your consent or a contract you're part of, and if the processing is automated.

When exercising your data portability right, you can request your Personal Data to be transferred directly from the Company to another organization, if technically feasible. This right does not interfere with your or the Company's rights regarding data deletion. Additionally, this right must be exercised without adversely affecting the rights and freedoms of others.

Right to Withdraw Consent

You have the ability to withdraw your consent for us to process your Personal Data at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing conducted before your withdrawal.

Right to Object

You are entitled to object to the processing of your Personal Data at any time, particularly when it pertains to your specific situation and the processing is justified by the legitimate interests of the Company or a third party. This includes profiling based on these interests. If you object, we will cease processing your Personal Data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Additionally, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes at any time, including any related profiling.

Right to Lodge a Complaint with a Supervisory Authority

You have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority established by a Member State to safeguard the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals concerning the processing of Personal Data within the European Union.

Your rights concerning your Personal Data as outlined in this section 13 may be limited by European Union or Member State law applicable to the Company.

We will provide you with the information requested according to your rights detailed in this section 13 without undue delay and in any event within one month of receiving the request. This period may be extended by two additional months if necessary, considering the complexity and number of requests. We will inform you of any such extension within one month of receiving your request, along with the reasons for the delay.

The information requested according to your rights outlined in this section 13 will be provided free of charge unless otherwise stated in this section 13. Where requests are manifestlyunfounded or excessive, particularly due to their repetitive nature, we may either (a) impose a reasonable fee, considering the administrative expenses of providing the requested information or communication or taking the requested action; or (b) decline to act on the request.

The Company might ask you to supply additional details to verify your identity in order to fulfill your request as per the rights outlined in this section 13, especially if we have reasonable doubts about the identity of the individual making the request.

12. Changes To This Policy

We may periodically update the terms of this Policy. Whenever we make amendments, we will notify you by publishing the revised Policy on the Website. Additionally, for significant changes, we will endeavor to inform you through communication methods we deem appropriate and by posting a notice on the Website. Unless specified otherwise, all amendments will take effect upon the publication of the updated Policy on our Website.